E18 | Glen Ridge Generational | Vintage

Work begins on the 1887 Victorian to make it suitable for multigenerational living. Demolition is underway on the third floor, where a bottle of 1887 Bordeaux was found during the process. The builder talks about his start in construction, and the architect shares his plan for restoring the home. The mayor gives a history lesson on the borough. The old asbestos siding is removed.

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E22 | Glen Ridge Generational | Next Level Tight

A custom jamb and threshold are built. Various water-resistive barriers are compared.

E21 | Glen Ridge Generational | Roughed In

A trip is taken to the Empire State Building and the new plumbing system is discussed.

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E20 | Glen Ridge Generational | QR Construction

The new two-story addition is framed, and plumbing pipes are isolated from cold weather.

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