Call Your Legislators

Federal funding ensures that your local public radio and TV stations can continue to give you access to essential educational, local, and cultural programming; trustworthy, in-depth news; and emergency and community-based services. As the debate over public media funding continues, encourage your Members of Congress to support the Senate’s proposals to safeguard federal funding.

As a supporter of public media, the time has come to make your voice heard.

Senator Bob Casey
Senator Bob Casey

Phone: (202) 224-6324


Senator John Fetterman
Senator John Fetterman

Phone (412) 803-3501


Find out who your House Representative is here


Here’s what you can say

  • Identify yourself as a constituent, which town/city and state.
  • Thank the member for his/her service to your community/state.
  • State the purpose of the call: you are concerned about the threat to federal funding for public television, and ask that the Senator/Representative protect this important funding.
  • Tell them why public media is important to YOU.
  • “You understand that members of Congress have to make difficult budget decisions.”
  • “Public media is an important investment; it’s free to all, and provides access to educational kids’ programs, public affairs, news, music, arts, culture and history.”
  • “There is no replacement for public media.”
  • “Please make sure funding for public media continues.”
  • “Thank you for your time.”


You may cut and paste the following template to contact your senators and representatives by email.

Use this email template

Protect My Public Media logo

You can join the fight to protect WQED right now by quickly joining an organization of 400,000 Americans called Protect My Public Media.

Sign the petition

Tell Your Story

You can also submit your own public media story — a testimonial about why WQED the programs we carry are important to you.

Submit your story today