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New Parents: Expectations vs. Reality - Being a new parent can bring on a mix of feelings, from excitement and joy to stress and frustration. It may not be easy, but with a little parental-logic, you can take on the challenge! In this episode, co-hosts Bethany Van Delft and Dr. Alok Patel reflect upon their own experiences becoming parents to discuss the expectations and reality of new parenthood.

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About Parentalogic

Parenting is full of obstacles that can be hard to navigate—even without a toddler yelling at your face. There’s no instruction manual, which means discerning fact from fiction and reasonable from ridiculous can be maddening. Dr. Alok Patel and comedian Bethany Van Delft, as they dive into the topics nearly all parents face—from pregnancy to poop, fevers to tantrums, and preschool to puberty.