You Can't Shop Your Way Out of Climate Change

We have seen a boom in “eco-friendly” products marketed to consumers’ concerns about the impact of the stuff we buy. But this "shop ‘til you drop” approach doesn’t solve the bigger issue: overconsumption and overproduction are the key drivers of pollution and climate change. Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant looks at how “greenwashed” products might be doing more harm than good. Based on the book by Jenny Price.

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Does Growing the Economy Mean Bankrupting the Planet?

Can the economy change the environment for the better? Based on the book by Jenny Price.

How Big Business Broke Recycling (And Blamed You)

We need to rethink “reuse, reduce, recycle”. Based on the book by Jenny Price.

How Companies Pollute More While "Staying Green"

Carbon offsets allow companies to stay green in one place and emit in another.

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