Amanda Gillen – The Frick Pittsburgh

Director of Learning and Visitor Experience, Amanda Gillen, spoke with WQED-FM at the Frick Art Museum about the programming around the new exhibition Vermeer, Monet, Rembrandt: Forging the Frick Collections in Pittsburgh and New York. Amanda highlights two concerts and their Full Day Programs. The first concert is on Sunday, April 14th with the Trio Granato as they play French impressionist and Dutch Baroque music to compliment the exhibition. The second is on Sunday, May 5th with members of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra to present pieces of music chosen to compliment several pieces in the exhibit. The Full Day programs on Saturday, April 20th and Saturday, June 1st, pair the Frick complex including the Clayton house and art museum, with the Carrie Blast Furnace or the West Overton Village. Programs run until July 12th, and the exhibition runs April 6th to July 14th. Visit to learn more about the programs and the exhibition.