This Winter Trend Is Overpowering Global Warming

A new study reveals that there is a winter-weather trend that OVERPOWERS CLIMATE CHANGE. To better understand this, we are taking it back to March of 1993 to look at The Storm of the Century, which brought record breaking cold temperatures and 20 INCHES OF SNOW to ALABAMA! By going back, we can better answer questions like: What causes this set up to occur in our atmosphere?

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Our Understanding of Floods is ALL Wrong

Flooding is getting worse, and not just from hurricanes or rising tides, but from heavy rainfall.

Was This Really a 1 in 700,000,000,000 Year Event?!

Antarctic sea ice is so low it is breaking every model.

What's the One Thing You Can Do To Survive a Tsunami?

So, what is the most important factor determining whether or not YOU survive a tsunami?

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