Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

Good Enough Parenting

Kelly speaks with Dr. Dima Amso, a professor of psychology at Columbia University, about how the environment we’re brought up in affects our well-being. Dr. Amso gives her take on social media, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and how to be a better consumer of science journalism. She also shares how her work in the lab influences her life as a parent.

More Episodes

Making Change for One and All

Kelly, Dr. Duckworth, JerDrema Virginia Flynt and Will McQuiston discuss human behavior.

God, Science and Well-Being

Kelly, Dr. Abernethy, BJ Miller and W. Kamau Bell discuss spirituality and well-being.

Food, Mood and Apple Fritters

Kelly and Dr. Bret Scher, Dr. Michael Lenoir and Cava Menzies discuss modern nutrition.

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