Something Strange Is Happening With These Leopard Sharks

Shark scientists Jasmin Graham, A-bel Gong, and Andrew Nosal head over to La Jolla to investigate a natural “shark spa.” This unique part of the California coast is a favorite spot for leopard sharks and guitarfish. After studying them from afar, the team is heading out to check on the health of these elasmobranchs and see if they can gain insight into a new, strange behavior.

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These Sharks Eat Plants (And It Gets Weirder.)

The tiny bonnethead shark might be holding a secret or two.

This Gigantic Shark is a Huge Mystery

Explore how we find and tag a massive and mysterious shark: the basking shark.

Can Sharks Really Smell Blood From a Mile Away?

Could a shark prey unlock the secret to the ultimate shark repellent?

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