Sarah McAlee makes soups. A wide variety of soups from chowders to bisques to gazpachos and noodle-y broths. She started by selling to friends from her home on Pittsburgh’s North Side in 2018, mostly through her Instagram account @brothmonger, but the number of her hungry fans have grown steadily since then. You can now get quarts of her tasty creations at Thyme Machine on Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield.
On this episode, GUMBANDS host Rick Sebak asks her about her soup business and her former work as a funeral director in the South Hills. Lots of good stories.
Broth Monger Instagram: @brothmonger
Thyme Machine Pgh Instagram: @thymemachinepgh
Pittsburgh Vintage Mixer on WQED’s NEBBY (includes Anthony Badamo making pizza but no Sarah!)