An Alaskan dog treat bakery gives a head start for youth with learning disabilities | INDIE ALASKA

Daisy Nicolas first discovered her knack for baking dog treats while caring for her beloved aging dog, Dallas. Now pet treats are her full-time job as owner of Drool Central: A Mum and Pup Barkery in Anchorage, Alaska. When Daisy realized the demands of the business were too much for her, she developed a partnership with the Anchorage School District to employ youth with learning disabilities.

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It's so much more than wrestling for this high school senior and her family in Wrangell, Alaska.

The Joy of Burning a Good Gift | INDIE ALASKA

Letting go as the seasons change. This episode of Indie Alaska highlights the Homer Burning Basket.

How to age gracefully? Try homesteading on an Alaskan island | INDIE ALASKA

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