Gross Science
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Dinosaur Parasites! - Even the mighty T. rex was covered in creepy, crawly parasites.
Dinosaur Parasites! - Even the mighty T. rex was covered in creepy, crawly parasites.
Rabies may have lead to legends of werewolves, vampires, and zombies.
What should you do with the borax you have leftover from making slime?
How does lead damage our brains—and what can we do to stop it?
Bees get more than just nectar from the flowers they visit.
The plant Hydnora africana is a parasite that smells foul...
Fear may be able to spread from person to person—just like a virus.
You swallow a ton of snot every single day. Welcome to the gross world of mucus.
Meet the most versatile butts in the animal kingdom.
Santa's reindeer just got a whole lot more interesting.
Bird poop could help clouds form, keeping our planet a little bit cooler. Gross!
What should you do with stinky old fish skins? How about powering your cellphone?
If you're attacked you could run away, fight back...or you could barf. Gross!
You can help a special snail find a mate—while also helping scientists unravel a mystery.
How do you get rid of skunk odor? Don't use tomato juice... use chemistry!
Inbreeding...It's hugely taboo for us, but lots of organisms do it.
Figs aren't exactly fruits...but that's not the only bizarre thing about them.
The latest clinical trials for poop pills that can fight a gut infection failed.
The way the sun damages your skin is weirder than you ever thought.
Here are four ingenious ways carnivorous plants catch their prey.
Sea turtles can get herpes. And human pollution might be making their flare-ups worse.
Science has historically ignored females, whether they're insects, lab rats, or humans.
The priciest fungus in the world is a parasite that grows from a caterpillar’s head.
The stereotype of the "lazy Southerner" may have been caused by hookworm infection
Thanks for watching me make a fool of myself for one whole year!
Bizarre stories from the slimy, smelly, creepy world of science.