This Freaky Fruit Fly Lays Eggs in Your Strawberries

The spotted wing drosophila may look like a common fruit fly, but it’s so much worse. Just as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are ripening in the field, this fly saws into them and lays her eggs inside. The growing maggots turn the fruit into a mushy mess. Could a wasp and its own hungry maggots save the day?

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Citrus Psyllids Bribe Ants With Strings Of Candy Poop

Researchers use invisible lasers, ghastly wasps and more trickery to protect orange groves

How Hoverflies Spawn Maggots that Sweeten Your Oranges

As they gorge, oblique streaktail hoverflies help keep orange trees safe from disease.

Meet the Meat Bee... the Western Yellowjacket!

Why is that yellowjacket crashing your BBQ? She’s gathering food for the nest’s larvae.

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