Debbie Delisi Lecture

Debbie Delisi is an accomplished casting associate whose credits include CAPTAIN PHILLIPS, LADY BIRD, READY PLAYER ONE, and MARRIAGE STORY. She has also worked with venerable filmmakers like the Coen Brothers, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Robert Altman. In 2022, Debbi spoke with WQED Film Academy about the casting process and her many adventures in filmmaking.

Dusan Brown Lecture

In November of 2021, Dusan Brown visited with Film Academy Staff and Students to discuss his career.

Learning Lab with Minette Seate & Anne Casper

WQED Supervising Producer Minette Seate and Digital Content Producer Anne Casper visit WQED Film Academy to discuss WQED’s series VOICES.

Contributors: Trish Hosac, Mary Ann McBride-Tackett
Topic: Production
Category: Lecture
Part of: Film Academy

Nicole Kennedy and Aidan McGarvey

WQED Digital producers Nicole Kennedy and Aidan McGarvey visit Film Academy to discuss WQED’s series Teachable Moments.

Contributors: Trish Hosac, Mary Ann McBride-Tackett
Topic: Production
Category: Lecture
Part of: Film Academy

Savy Dunlevy Lecture

Join us for this very special learning lab with Savy Dunlevy, communications & wireless audio technician, for a discussion of their transmasculine identity and journey through the entertainment industry.

Contributors: Jon Lefkovitz, Mary Ann McBride-Tackett
Topic: LGBTQ, Communications
Category: Lecture
Part of: Film Academy

Julie Sokolaw Lecture

This learning lab features Julie Sokolow, director of the documentary BAREFOOT: THE MARK BAUMER STORY. In January 2021, Julie joined the students of Steeltown Film Academy via Zoom to discuss her film, craft and career path.

Contributors: Jon Lefkovitz, Mary Ann McBride-Tackett
Topic: Careers
Category: Lecture
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

Steve Jacks Lecture

In December of 2020, Steve Jacks, VFX Editor of projects such as I, Tonya and The Mandalorian joined our Steeltown Film Academy students for a live Zoom session to discuss his craft and career path.

Contributors: Jon Lefkovitz, Mary Ann McBride-Tackett
Topic: Careers
Category: Lecture
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

Copyright Workshop

Teaching Artist and Post-Production Supervisor Jon Lefkovitz discusses intellectual property, fair use, and the gray areas in between. Featuring Teaching Artist and Steeltown SFA Coordinator Ian Altenbaugh.

Contributor: Jon Lefkovitz & Ian Altenbaugh
Topic: Copyright
Category: Workshop
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

Film History: Origins of Cinema

Steeltown Teaching Assistant Amber Latimer leads you through the important milestones in the history of cinema, and recommends important, representative films for post lecture viewing.

Contributor: Amber Latimer
Topic: History
Category: Film Theory
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

Photoshop & Movie Posters

Movie posters are amazing marketing materials that people’s entire careers can focus on. They utilize tons of assets and psychological knowledge to not only attract audiences, but to also describe the movie with just visuals and a few words. Come learn the basics of movie posters and learn how Adobe Photoshop can be used to create them!

Contributor: Amber Latimer
Topic: Photoshop
Category: Post-Production
Type: Workshop, Lecture
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

After Effects Workshop

Come learn the basics of motion graphic creation and animation in After Effects with Steeltown Teaching Assistant, Amber Latimer! The workshop will be part lecture, part demo, where we will go over the interface and uses of After Effects! The workshop will culminate in the collaborative demonstration of a micro-animation using what you’ve learned.

Contributor: Amber Latimer
Topic: Editing
Category: Post-Production
Type: Workshop
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

After Effects Workshop Part 2

Now that we know the basics of After Effects, time to learn more about After Effect’s versions of film industry effects and experiment with some of the effects available in the program! The workshop will be part lecture, part demo, like the past workshops. Expect to learn about rotoscoping/masking (and the difference), time remapping, and color changing!

Contributor: Amber Latimer
Topic: Editing
Category: Post-Production
Type: Workshop
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

Introduction to the Trailer

Ever wonder what goes into making a trailer? Join Steeltown Post Production Supervisor and Teaching Artist, Jon Lefkovitz, for an in-depth look at the history, craft and art of trailer editing.

Contributor: Jon Lefkovitz
Topic: Editing
Category: Post-Production
Type: Lecture
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

Introduction to Slating Video

While slating may have had its heyday when film was the dominant medium to shoot on, it remains an important organizational tool in both production, and post production. Join filmmaker and Steeltown SFA Coordinator and Teaching Artist, Ian Altenbaugh, as he goes over some of the basics of slating, and why it remains an important tool in digital filmmaking.

Contributor: Ian Altenbaugh
Topic: Sound
Category: Production, Post-Production
Type: Mini-Lesson
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

Introduction to Sound Design

A dynamic sound design can make or break a movie, and in some cases elevate it to something special. Join filmmaker and Steeltown SFA Coordinator and Teaching Artist, Ian Altenbaugh, as he shows you some of the elements that go into creating a dynamic sound design.

Contributor: Ian Altenbaugh
Topic: Sound
Category: Production
Type: Mini-Lesson
Part of: Steeltown Film Academy

See more Learning Lab content on YouTube.

Want to contribute to the community and educate our future filmmakers?

Pitch your idea to WQED Filmmakers today!

Step 1: Submit your pitch request via the form

Step 2: Once greenlighted, create your project

Step 3: Submit final project for approval

Step 4: If approved, resource is added to the library

Please Note: WQED reserves the right to final decision regarding the inclusion in the Learning Lab. Due to fluctuations in our curriculum direction, not all projects will be greenlighted. At this time we are not funding the production of projects.

Learning Lab Submission Form
