Portrait Provided by Family

Victor DiBlasi

Brooklyn NY
Date of Portrait 
I just finished watching your documentary on Elizabeth Black. I thought you would like to know that I have the original sketch that Elizabeth drew for my dad Victor DiBlasi on August 16, 1944..After my dad's passing I had this sketch hanging on the wall but never did research on the artist. I have attached a photo of the original portrait.. It is not in great shape, as my dad taped the edges to cardboard years ago, I hope that it can be used in your gallery. It would be an honor. Please convey my gratitude to the Black family. As a result of your coordinated effort with the Black family you have brought me great joy, not to mention a great story for me to tell remaining family. Thank you for a wonderful film. - Gary DiBlasi, Saylorsburg, PA - March 8, 2016.
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